(Original Title: »DER KLANG DES MEERES«)

Experimental Film by Wolfgang Lehmann & Telemach Wiesinger

This film poem about the sea is a visual invitation to an imaginary journey trough the landscape of waves along the Atlantic coast. Or as Herman Melville writes: „Let a distracted person sink into deep dreams... and, invariably they will lead you to water... yes, everyone knows that meditation and water rare closely connected!“ The sources of inspiration for our film flow of film pictures were the „soul images“ described by Melville in MOBY DICK.

German premiere: European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück, D
Int. Premiere: VideoEx Zurich, CH

Black Maria Film Festival, New Jersey City, New York / USA
Directors Lounge, Berlin / Germany
Kalinigrad, / Russia
International Seoul Net & Filmfestival, Section IMAGEDOC, Seoul / Korea
TIE The International Experimental Cinema Exposition, Colorado Springs / USA
Image Filmfestival Toronto / Canada
Media City international festival of experimental film and video art,Windsor / Canada
18. Stuttgarter Filmwinter, Stuttgart / Germany)
European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück / Germany
videoex 04, Zürich / Switzerland
Polvo en los Ojos Festival de cine experimental, Quito/Ecuador

Lange Nacht der Kunst ,Gütersloh / Germany
Das Filmcafe, Berlin / Germany
University of Illinois at Chicago, School of Art + Design / U.S.A.
Kunstverein Tiergarten/Galerie Nord Berlin / Germany
Arsenal Experimantal Kino, Berlin / Germany
Lilian Gish Film Theatre, Ohio / USA
Smokebrush Gallery, Colorado Springs / USA
University of Mytilini, Lesvos / Greece

Diploma at the Kalanigrad Festival, Russia
Honorable mention at Black Maria Film Festival, New Jersey City, New York / USA

Directors & Script: Wolfgang Lehmann & Telemach Wiesinger
Camera & Animation: Telemach Wiesinger
Montage: Wolfgang Lehmann

Technical details:
16mm or 35 mm/ Silent / black & white / 1:1,33 / 15 Minutes / Germany
Distribution: Freunde der Deutschen Kinemathek, Berlin / Germany

Press commentary:
»This is the 100th anniversary of the movies. To celebrate the anniversary, here are some of my favorites: in the category experimental films: Der Klang des Meeres.«
»The Best Films of ALL TIME« by Michael Grost